Presentation of the project MAGDELESA

Experimentation of a systemic and participative approach to reach a sustainable development of large migratory fish’s exploitation.

The final target of the project MAGDELESA is :

- The redeployment of the overfishing of the coastal resources (primarily fauna of the coral reefs) towards the pelagic high-sea species (tunas and similar) that still provide a reasonable possibility for catches, by the use of FAD (Fish Aggregation Device).

- The research on the conditions of development of sustainable fishing on the shared pelagic resources and of maintenance of the activity away from the island shelf and the associated coral ecosystems, with FAO, the Lesser Antilles and Haiti.

This project aims to develop together with the scientific teams and fisheries managers in the Lesser Antilles and Haiti an integrated and participative approach on the sustainable and responsible development of the blooming anchored FAD fishing in the zone.

MAGDELESA results from activities undertaken in the framework of the Lesser Antilles working group of the FAO/WECAFC, aiming at supporting conservation, managing as well as sustainable and concerted valorization of the biodiversity and natural spaces, of the coastal areas and natural resources marine.

application/pdf FAO/COPACO Terms of reference for the Lesser Antilles ad hoc Working Group on the sustainable development of Moored FAD Fishing